Continuous Movement

During the winter months, and particularly with escalating heating costs, we might all be feeling the cold more keenly these days. This has prompted me to focus on sessions which flow from one movement to another. We still begin with gentle, basic moves and revue the basic principles, but I have found that these can be incorporated into a class which links many of the exercises together in longer sequences. For example, we have been starting with a half-roll back, then move to a full rollback, into some abdominal work such as single leg stretch, obliques, and the sequence ends with a seated spine twist/saw for example before we have a short rest and begin the routine again. This works very well with online classes, but also face to face, where I can still offer adaptations to suit all levels. Ideally, participants should have a basic knowledge of Pilates. For complete beginners, I would advise attending one of the beginner sessions to get an idea of the technique. I wouldn’t take too long to become familiar with the basics, and then graduate onto the slightly quicker paced, flowing sessions. Clients have reported that they have felt warmer for longer, and feel that their workout has been more intense. That’s a good thing, surely!


Keeping Motivated In the Summer


Pilates for seniors